Monday, October 30, 2017

Multimedia Final

Word Count: 790
For my final project I intend on using the images and experiences from my Study Abroad trip. Over the summer I went to Greece for two weeks and learned about the lifestyles of the Mediterranean. We learned about the importance of healthy eating, physical activity, the history of Greece, and agriculture. My trip was two weeks long but it was the greatest experience I have ever had. I wish it was longer but I look forward to going back. During my trip we stayed in a city called Glyfada which is located in Athens for one week. During the second week we stayed in Nafplio which is located in Peloponnese which is a peninsula. I cannot wait to go back but look forward to going to other areas of Greece such as Santorini. During my trip I took photos and videos so I intend on using them for my project. I will also use words over pictures in order to help tell my story better and share my personal experiences with details you can not hear from the video clips. I am not good at using and editing  video so I expect this to be a challenge for me but I am excited. Here is an example of three photos I may use, but have hundreds more.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky and outdoor
This is an image from the Acropolis and Parthenon. What many people do not know is that there as an Acropolis and Parthenon within every city because Acropolis literally means "on top of". This is where the God, or ruler of the city, would live.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, sky and outdoor
This is an image of me at a restaurant on a mountain in Athens, it was at the highest point in Athens. I wanted to go here because of inspiration from my High School Guidance counselor. Years ago she went to Greece and this was one of the places she went, so I knew I had to go as well so we could compare pictures.

Image may contain: people sitting and food
Spanokopita is a food often eaten in Greece because of its food density. Being "food dense" means it has multiple nutrients and Spanokopita has carbs, vegetables, fat, and protein. I intend on using multiple food pictures because it was a very large, important part of my trip. We were always eating new things and learning about their health benefits. I learned about the benefits of wine, spices, fish, fruit, oils, and much more.

The story I want to tell incorporates what a typical day in Greece is life. I want to tell the story of what its like to be there, both the pros and cons. I want to talk about the culture and inform individuals on my experiences. I also want people to learn about why it is so important to study abroad and the benefits it has brought to my life.
During my trip I was most passionate about the element of a healthy diet. I will talk about this the most because everyday we ate, a lot, but also learned about the things we were eating. The spanokopita in the image above was actually made by the group in one of our cooking lessons. I am also going to talk about the benefits of other foods, such as breakfast and even the consumption of wine.
Luckily my inspiration for my non-fictional multimedia presentation have easy resources to draw back to. I have videos and voice recordings of my experiences, I wrote a journal during my trip, and have over 300 photos. I also may discuss my personal motivation for going on the trip and talk about how it has impacted my life after the fact. When I came to college I had no desire to study abroad, I did not think I could with my major. However, one day I randomly saw an advertisement for the trip on twitter. During my first few weeks of college I was in a bit of a funk, like many students are when adjusting to a new place. Once I saw this trip however I was filled with purpose and had a goal in mind. I ended up accomplishing this goal. I never would have wanted to learn about new cultures if it was not for my mom. She always encouraged me to try new things, and be fearless(even though the fearless thing does not always work out). I know she would be proud of me for taking advantage of this opportunity and going on the trip. My next goal is to do an alternative break and volunteer at a destination rather than receiving credit.


  1. Dear Brielle,

    I'm glad you've found something to focus on that interests you. It sounds like you have plenty of video and photo documentation to get this started. Are you using iMovie or Movie Maker? Both are much more intuitive than Audacity, so you'll likely have an easier time with editing and production.

    To think about for your formal proposal: Can you think about how you can apply this to a larger audience? What is it about your experience that makes it unique from others who have studied abroad? What do you personally bring to the experience that's interesting and strange and new? Push yourself to find the weird and specific parts of the journey that made it something you feel like you will never forget. How were you changed? How does this experience tie into the other experiences of your life? I'm very interested to see how this develops!

  2. Honestly, I don't know much about Greece other than their failed economy. So, it will be nice to see what this country is actually like without the lens of the media clouding the full picture.


  3. Okay I am SO excited for your project. I'm from Greece so I'm really interested to know what you liked/didn't like about the country and the culture. If you need any help or more information about the culture, feel free to reach out to me!

  4. You look so happy in these pictures - it makes me excited to see this video, haha. I know nothing about the culture or about Greece in general so that'll be interesting! I love the idea of you trying new things for your mom - you could probably do a whole video on that, too.

  5. I'm excited to see your final project, the pictures explains a lot about your project
