Monday, October 30, 2017

Multimedia Final

Word Count: 790
For my final project I intend on using the images and experiences from my Study Abroad trip. Over the summer I went to Greece for two weeks and learned about the lifestyles of the Mediterranean. We learned about the importance of healthy eating, physical activity, the history of Greece, and agriculture. My trip was two weeks long but it was the greatest experience I have ever had. I wish it was longer but I look forward to going back. During my trip we stayed in a city called Glyfada which is located in Athens for one week. During the second week we stayed in Nafplio which is located in Peloponnese which is a peninsula. I cannot wait to go back but look forward to going to other areas of Greece such as Santorini. During my trip I took photos and videos so I intend on using them for my project. I will also use words over pictures in order to help tell my story better and share my personal experiences with details you can not hear from the video clips. I am not good at using and editing  video so I expect this to be a challenge for me but I am excited. Here is an example of three photos I may use, but have hundreds more.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky and outdoor
This is an image from the Acropolis and Parthenon. What many people do not know is that there as an Acropolis and Parthenon within every city because Acropolis literally means "on top of". This is where the God, or ruler of the city, would live.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, sky and outdoor
This is an image of me at a restaurant on a mountain in Athens, it was at the highest point in Athens. I wanted to go here because of inspiration from my High School Guidance counselor. Years ago she went to Greece and this was one of the places she went, so I knew I had to go as well so we could compare pictures.

Image may contain: people sitting and food
Spanokopita is a food often eaten in Greece because of its food density. Being "food dense" means it has multiple nutrients and Spanokopita has carbs, vegetables, fat, and protein. I intend on using multiple food pictures because it was a very large, important part of my trip. We were always eating new things and learning about their health benefits. I learned about the benefits of wine, spices, fish, fruit, oils, and much more.

The story I want to tell incorporates what a typical day in Greece is life. I want to tell the story of what its like to be there, both the pros and cons. I want to talk about the culture and inform individuals on my experiences. I also want people to learn about why it is so important to study abroad and the benefits it has brought to my life.
During my trip I was most passionate about the element of a healthy diet. I will talk about this the most because everyday we ate, a lot, but also learned about the things we were eating. The spanokopita in the image above was actually made by the group in one of our cooking lessons. I am also going to talk about the benefits of other foods, such as breakfast and even the consumption of wine.
Luckily my inspiration for my non-fictional multimedia presentation have easy resources to draw back to. I have videos and voice recordings of my experiences, I wrote a journal during my trip, and have over 300 photos. I also may discuss my personal motivation for going on the trip and talk about how it has impacted my life after the fact. When I came to college I had no desire to study abroad, I did not think I could with my major. However, one day I randomly saw an advertisement for the trip on twitter. During my first few weeks of college I was in a bit of a funk, like many students are when adjusting to a new place. Once I saw this trip however I was filled with purpose and had a goal in mind. I ended up accomplishing this goal. I never would have wanted to learn about new cultures if it was not for my mom. She always encouraged me to try new things, and be fearless(even though the fearless thing does not always work out). I know she would be proud of me for taking advantage of this opportunity and going on the trip. My next goal is to do an alternative break and volunteer at a destination rather than receiving credit.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Author Response

Word Count: 517
Both authors were very interesting. Personally I do not read in my spare time, and the last time I did I was reading books about romance or just "teen fiction". Listening, and reading, pieces by the authors introduced me to types of literature I was unfamiliar with. Daisy Johnson focused on horror and based her stories around where she grew up. When she read her work aloud to us, I really appreciated the way her words flowed. Yes, this should be true of all authors, but her words were mystical and added to the emphasis of the type of work she writes. Unfortunately I could not grasp her main scenes of horror from such a short reading, but I still appreciated the fact that she found interest in her surrounding areas and could turn that into a work of fiction. One aspect of the time with Daisy I really enjoyed was when she explained her writing technique. Daisy referenced another author, Stephen King, and said she followed similar exercises he does as well. She told us how King will write a character, and write what he wants to happen to a character first, before he comes up with a story line. Daisy also follows this pattern which allows her to know where her stories are going to end. Daisy also mentioned how she gets comments on her unique sentence structure, but said this is most likely because of her dyslexia. After talking with her, we spoke with Rebecca Schiff. I enjoyed this conversation much more than the one with Daisy because I was able to follow her work more easily and consistently. She was very authentic, and very rare, and I enjoyed that because it was different. She spoke about things most people are uncomfortable speaking about and turned it into fiction. She read us a short story about a woman who slept with multiple men, but never felt comfortable in her own body, and also never found "the one". This made me question the sexuality of the character because maybe she did not feel comfortable with men, but could have possibly felt more comfortable with women. I also found humor in her work and found myself laughing a few times during her reading. Reading her work directly from paper was harder for me to follow, I was able to follow it very easy when she was reading aloud. One thing Rebecca mentioned included that "things going wrong, when writing about sex, are good. Erectile dysfunction is good! Premature ejaculation is good!". Even though she was referring how to write good sex scenes, I feel like the idea of things going wrong being a good thing is valid for life in general. Whether you are a writer, a chef, or a student, mistakes are how we grow and learn. Writing about the awkward moments during sex draw in the reader's attention, also because it is relatable. Another fun aspect to Rebecca is she was down for anything, she even showed us her new apartment. I enjoyed hearing from both the writers but personally connected more with Rebecca.

Image result for streets at nightThis is how I pictured Rebecca's Story as she told it.
Image result for the fenlandsI never heard of the Fenlands before Daisy so I had no idea what to expect them to look like.
Image result for rebecca schiffImage result for daisy johnson author

Monday, October 9, 2017

Jeff and Brielle Podcast Script

Coach: Alright guys bring it in! That was a good practice, reminder tomorrow be here at 5:30 to watch the JV game. Wear your team sweatshirts to school tomorrow. Tomorrows a big game, we all know that. Let's be ready. See you all tomorrow. Bring it in, EastSide on 3, 1,2,3 Eastside.
Random Players: Eastside!
Coach: Brittany!
Brittany: What?
Coach: Come here really quick
Brittany: Dad, I need to go home and do my homework.
Coach: I know, this will just take a minute.
Brittany: Why can't we talk at home instead?
Coach: Just come here!! Tomorrow is a big game for you, Rutgers is coming here to watch you, you know how bad you need this scholarship right?
Brittany; Yes dad, you always tell me if I don't get a scholarship I won't be able to go to college because we can't afford it.
Coach: So on my way home i'm going to stop by my friends house and pick you up something. It's going to help you for tomorrow to relax the nerves. Just make sure you take it before the game, and don't let anyone see you.
Brittany: But dad…
Coach: No BUTS! I am your father, you can trust me. I'll see you at home.
Brittany: (Walks into the locker room) (Locker closes in backround)
Miranda; What was that about?
Brittany: Oh nothing, he was just reminding me Rutgers is coming to watch me tomorrow.
Miranda: Oh aren't you lucky.
Brittany: I guess, I don't even think I want to play college basketball anymore. Oh well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Miranda: Bye Britt.      How could she say she doesn't want to play college anymore. I would do anything to play college basketball but I never got the chance. I never get scouted and recruited because it's always about Brittany. I can't stand this anymore.

Fast Forward to the end of the game
(Game Clock horn)
Coach: Great win ladies! We executed the gameplan to the bone. I’m proud of each and everyone of you guys but, I have to give a special recognition to Brittany. Not only did she score 31 points but she reached her 1000th career point. Give it up everybody (team applause). Alright, make sure you guys eat and get some rest. See you all at practice tomorrow……
Hey Britt,*whispers* what did I say!? You have nothing to worry about, with your performance tonight, I guarantee that scholarship is yours.
Brittany: I guess you were right dad! I’m sorry I doubted you.
Coach: I told you, dad knows best. Hey, get dressed; the scouts outside waiting for you
Brittany: Ok
(Brittany hurries to get dresses) (Drops bottle pill bottle)
Miranda: Hey, you dropped ……..this (reads pill bottle)... Anabolic-Ster...
(*quickly snatches away)
Brittany: (Gasps) Thanks…
(Slams locker)
Outside locker room
Scout: Brittany Johnson correct?
Brittany: Yes
Scout: Hi, my name is _____  lead scout for the Rutgers women's basketball team. You’ve been on our radar for some time now and seeing you perform live was nothing short of spectacular. I really impressed at what I’ve seen today and I believe you have a real bright future on our basketball team.
Brittany: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me.
Scout: You’re welcome, here’s my card, we’ll be in touch; and congrats on your 1000th career point.
Brittany: Thank you so much, have a goodnight!
Scout:  You too.

Coach: So, how did it go!?
Brittany: He said, he was really impressed with my performance tonight and I have a really bright future on their basketball team! Then he gave me his card to keep in touch.
Coach: That great news! I told you! All our hard work has paid off Britt! I know I’ve been hard on you but this is what I’ve envisioned for us!
Brittany: Yea, I get it dad. I’m glad I made you proud.
Coach: You’ve made me more than proud! Let’s go celebrate. Everything’s on me….*whispers* by the way did you take the pills out of your locker?
Brittany: (Checks pocket) Damn,hold on let me go and get them!
Coach: How can you be so reckless! Go get them and meet me in the car!
Brittany: Ok Ok!
(Brittany opens locker and takes bottle pills)
Miranda: What are those?
Brittany: Oh these, um… there tylenol pills… I usually get headaches after each game
Miranda: hmmm, Interesting
Brittany: Um, I gotta go… see you tomorrow at practice.

Miranda: (to self) I cant believe shes taking pills. No wonder why she's always so good, every athlete has even bad games but never Brittany. She's such a cheater. She doesn't deserve Rutgers, I do. I know what I have to do now.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Homecoming 5/6

Word Count: 383
The secret I was waiting for was finally revealed. The plot leading up to 5 and 6 made it seem as if the cafeteria food was crucial to the story line. They made it seem extremely important by continuously emphasizing how crucial it was for Walter to eat there. When they verbally confirmed the food was medicated I was not surprised but it made the story more intriguing. I was nervous when Heidi went to the dining hall with Walter but this makes sense as to why Heidi forgot things such as why she moved back in with her mom, Collin, and her previous jobs. I am surprised she did this because it seemed as if, in episode 6, she did it on purpose. I feel this way because when Collin questioned her actions, she was never flustered at the idea that the food contained medication. She must have known this prior to eating or she would have reacted much differently than she did. I think the first season ended in a very good position for listeners to want to continue listening. It ended at a point of surprise that would draw the listeners in. I know that I may want to continue this series into part 2 because I want to know where the story goes, where is Walter, how did they "lose" Walter and not know his placement, how much of the food did Heidi eat to forget that much of her life, and is there more danger down the road for Heidi as she begins to remember things? I also am curious as to who the new woman voice is of the story line. I assume it is Collins boss by her tone and anger towards him, but what is her role in the rest of the story. She must hold an important place because of when she was introduced in the story . I also am curious as to how they do not know the location of Walter. I currently am aware that the original intentions were to re-deploy him, but I wonder why this changed after the incident within the cafeteria. I feel as if he would have just forgotten it anyway so there was no difference as to whether or not they still decided to deploy him again.