Monday, October 9, 2017

Jeff and Brielle Podcast Script

Coach: Alright guys bring it in! That was a good practice, reminder tomorrow be here at 5:30 to watch the JV game. Wear your team sweatshirts to school tomorrow. Tomorrows a big game, we all know that. Let's be ready. See you all tomorrow. Bring it in, EastSide on 3, 1,2,3 Eastside.
Random Players: Eastside!
Coach: Brittany!
Brittany: What?
Coach: Come here really quick
Brittany: Dad, I need to go home and do my homework.
Coach: I know, this will just take a minute.
Brittany: Why can't we talk at home instead?
Coach: Just come here!! Tomorrow is a big game for you, Rutgers is coming here to watch you, you know how bad you need this scholarship right?
Brittany; Yes dad, you always tell me if I don't get a scholarship I won't be able to go to college because we can't afford it.
Coach: So on my way home i'm going to stop by my friends house and pick you up something. It's going to help you for tomorrow to relax the nerves. Just make sure you take it before the game, and don't let anyone see you.
Brittany: But dad…
Coach: No BUTS! I am your father, you can trust me. I'll see you at home.
Brittany: (Walks into the locker room) (Locker closes in backround)
Miranda; What was that about?
Brittany: Oh nothing, he was just reminding me Rutgers is coming to watch me tomorrow.
Miranda: Oh aren't you lucky.
Brittany: I guess, I don't even think I want to play college basketball anymore. Oh well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Miranda: Bye Britt.      How could she say she doesn't want to play college anymore. I would do anything to play college basketball but I never got the chance. I never get scouted and recruited because it's always about Brittany. I can't stand this anymore.

Fast Forward to the end of the game
(Game Clock horn)
Coach: Great win ladies! We executed the gameplan to the bone. I’m proud of each and everyone of you guys but, I have to give a special recognition to Brittany. Not only did she score 31 points but she reached her 1000th career point. Give it up everybody (team applause). Alright, make sure you guys eat and get some rest. See you all at practice tomorrow……
Hey Britt,*whispers* what did I say!? You have nothing to worry about, with your performance tonight, I guarantee that scholarship is yours.
Brittany: I guess you were right dad! I’m sorry I doubted you.
Coach: I told you, dad knows best. Hey, get dressed; the scouts outside waiting for you
Brittany: Ok
(Brittany hurries to get dresses) (Drops bottle pill bottle)
Miranda: Hey, you dropped ……..this (reads pill bottle)... Anabolic-Ster...
(*quickly snatches away)
Brittany: (Gasps) Thanks…
(Slams locker)
Outside locker room
Scout: Brittany Johnson correct?
Brittany: Yes
Scout: Hi, my name is _____  lead scout for the Rutgers women's basketball team. You’ve been on our radar for some time now and seeing you perform live was nothing short of spectacular. I really impressed at what I’ve seen today and I believe you have a real bright future on our basketball team.
Brittany: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me.
Scout: You’re welcome, here’s my card, we’ll be in touch; and congrats on your 1000th career point.
Brittany: Thank you so much, have a goodnight!
Scout:  You too.

Coach: So, how did it go!?
Brittany: He said, he was really impressed with my performance tonight and I have a really bright future on their basketball team! Then he gave me his card to keep in touch.
Coach: That great news! I told you! All our hard work has paid off Britt! I know I’ve been hard on you but this is what I’ve envisioned for us!
Brittany: Yea, I get it dad. I’m glad I made you proud.
Coach: You’ve made me more than proud! Let’s go celebrate. Everything’s on me….*whispers* by the way did you take the pills out of your locker?
Brittany: (Checks pocket) Damn,hold on let me go and get them!
Coach: How can you be so reckless! Go get them and meet me in the car!
Brittany: Ok Ok!
(Brittany opens locker and takes bottle pills)
Miranda: What are those?
Brittany: Oh these, um… there tylenol pills… I usually get headaches after each game
Miranda: hmmm, Interesting
Brittany: Um, I gotta go… see you tomorrow at practice.

Miranda: (to self) I cant believe shes taking pills. No wonder why she's always so good, every athlete has even bad games but never Brittany. She's such a cheater. She doesn't deserve Rutgers, I do. I know what I have to do now.

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